Our journey up north has ended. Alaska & Seattle, I promise I will be back. I know your beauty will always be there. It is now time to head south. Before we get to far south I am going to make a pit stop along the way. For those of you who have been following my blog I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would be honored if you shared or even became a follower of this blog. As I stated in the beginning when I started "Travelin' with John" this would be writings about my past
travel adventures,
new travel adventures,
travel news,
travel events and lots of fun stuff along the way. This is one of those times where we are going to have some fun. Janet and I have been blessed with two amazing kids. I guess I will call them Pea & Pod! Tyler (Pea) & Matt (Pod). For brothers who are 3 years apart, they have an amazing relationship. We are very thankful for that. Both Pea & Pod were great athletes growing up and they still are. Pea played a little baseball and then ventured into soccer. I say a little of baseball because I wish he would of stayed with it. He was really very good and with a father who played for the NY Yankees, he had some good stuff in his genes. No, not me! My dad was the big man on campus! While I have several things from my father's Yankee days, the thing that stands out the most with me was the $5.00 contract he signed with Topps!

I know $5.00 was a lot of money in the early sixties, but come on $5.00 for a baseball card contract. I am very proud of my father and what he has given me to pass on to Pea & Pod. Anyway, Mom & Dad pushed Pea to play soccer at the same time that Pod was. I guess we did this so we could be at the same sports facility without traveling all over the city. I hope that now Pea is over 21 that he won't get upset, but the first year he played soccer I thought he was going to be a ballet dancer. Sorry Pea, I had to say it. Those spinning dance moves were quite stunning. Now let’s talk a little about Pod. The first year he played soccer at the ripe age of four I remember that he played on a coed team. I recall that the focus was hanging with the girls instead of getting the ball into the goal. Where did he learn that from? As the years continued, both Pea & Pod had tremendous soccer careers. Pea played on several premier club teams (Classic Elite) along with playing 2 years on the varsity soccer team at Clemens High School.

I remember on his sixteenth birthday he broke his ankle during the game while attempting a steal. It was so sad to see, but at the birthday dinner after the game at Hooters, he sure was a hit with the Hooter's girls. You rock Pea! Hooters girls serve some awesome naked wings! You know, low carb wings without batter. Naked is a cool word when used with food! Dad, calm down! Pod also played on several premier club soccer teams (Texans & Hammers) and started as a freshman on the varsity soccer team at Steele High School. When you go to a brand new high school, possibilities are all around you. Playing sweeper on the soccer team you take many hits on the defensive end and you get a ton of chances to take all of the free kicks. Back to this being a new high school, possibilities presented themselves when the head football coach (Coach Mike Jinks) asked Pod to come out and tryout as the kicker for the football team. What? When I first found out about it I was excited, but said Oh No! These kids are twice the size of Pod.

As a family we agreed to let Pod play after the coaches said you are on the team. Since this was a new school they did not have a varsity team during Pods first year. They started out with a JV team and would start their varsity games in the second year of the school’s existence. Pod played soccer one more year and then decided to leave the only game he knew and pursue the new game that he now loved after his sophomore year. His soccer coach was none too pleased, but eventually gave in. When I say gave in, it took him a full year to get over it. Pod attended several training camps during the off season. He started working with Chris Boniol the Ex Dallas Cowboy kicker at the end of his sophomore year. This sure was a blessing in disguise. Chris and Pod would soon develop a relationship that would push him to a different level. Chris has been a great inspiration to Pod and we are very thankful that Chris has taken Pod under his wings.

Janet and I were not sure what was going to become of Pod kicking the football, but at the beginning of his junior year we knew that we might have something special going on here. I guess we were lucky to be part of a team that had a head Coach that believed in the importance of special teams. He preached that this is how you win ball games. You have to have the offense and defense, but if your special teams are not spot on, you will not win in the end! Character and the will to win will move you to the other side. Pod was blessed to have one of his best friends be his holder for every one of his kicks in his entire high school football career. Not only was his holder a great person, a great team leader, he was a great quarterback. This is where chemistry must become united and they were sure united. Mr. Holder/QB, I wish you the best of luck with your Engineering Career at Texas A&M. I hope your speed gets you a spot on the track team. With the help of Chris Boniol and the confidence of his head coach, Pod had one heck of a junior year. Decisions had to be made. If Pod could move on to the next level what would we do? How do we do this? After many hours of research we decided to partner with NCSA. They work with potential athletes and guide them through the recruiting process at the college level. Let me preface that there are no guarantees that any high school athlete can even play at the next level.
NCSA (Matt Webb) becomes Pods mentor and works with him on a weekly basis. They work with you on how to communicate with college coaches and what to do every step of the way during the college recruiting process. We had no idea if Pod would play at the next level. We had people tell us it could happen, but the reality was probably not real. There are only so many spots available. One of the biggest undertakings that Pod and I did was to produce 100's of game videos, along with personal hand written letters from Matt to send to the special team coaches. It did not matter whether it was D1, D1AA, D2, D3, or NAIA, we sent them out. This was all part of the process. To get exposure you must expose yourself. It was not long and during the spring of Pods junior year he had many letters and phone calls from coaches. I remember the first coach that contacted Pod was from Georgetown University in Washington DC. This was really cool. I am not going to lie, I was very proud! One of the things that potential college football players have to do is to attend as many summer camps that they can. Most college football programs put on a football camp during the summer for all ages. You pay a small fee and this is a legal way for coaches to get to evaluate you before you start your senior year in high school. Some of the schools that Pod attended their camps or visited their campus were at University of Houston,
Louisiana Tech, SMU, Kansas State and LSU. Pod preformed very well at all of these camps. While he liked University of Houston, the one school that he fell in love with was Louisiana Tech. Even before he stepped on the field in June 2008, the small town sensation that Pod felt in Ruston was just right.

The Pizza at
Johnny's Pizza and the chicken at
Raising Canes was all part of the magnet that pulled so hard! Janet and I sat on the side lines and watched all of these kids kick hundreds of balls. We had a warm fuzzy feeling when Coach Dooley comes up to introduce himself to Janet and I during the afternoon session of the camp. Pod was really kicking his rear end off. Coach said he was very impressed with his ability and his character. What other camps is he going to attend this summer? We answered, but were not sure if that was the right thing to do. There were about 50 plus kids at this camp. They were not all juniors or seniors. There is some training that goes on here, so there are kids from 7th grade up to seniors. After the camp was over the special teams Coach Russell comes up and states that Head Coach Dooley would like to visit with us in his office in a few minutes. Ok, this is good, but not good. What in the heck do you do now? What do you say? Once in Coach Dooley's office I guess my breathing picked up to levels that were noticeable by others, especially Pod. Coach Dooley talked to us about the school and the vision that he had with the football program. He was very impressed with Pod and knew that he was going to some other camps over the summer. He would stay in touch and was very interested in Pod and knows he has the potential to fit within the teams program. If my breathing was not heavy before, it was heavier now.

A coach of a D1 program is interested in Pod. Are you kidding me? Pod would make it to several more D1 schools over the summer before his next visit to
Louisiana Tech on July 19th, 2009. Janet, her parents and Pod would make their way back for another visit to the campus. Coach Russell and Coach Dooley met with them that morning and offered Pod a scholarship to play football at
Louisiana Tech. One thing the Coach Dooley told Pod the first time they met in his office was to make sure he was committed and go see what else is out there. This is what Pod did and when he verbally committed to Coach Dooley he knew in his heart that this was where he wanted to be. Pod would go on and have an awesome senior year. His team made it in to the third round of the playoffs where they would lose to the eventual state champion in 4A. Not bad for a 3rd year program. We became very close to Coach Russell who made several visits to our home during the football season. Pod and Coach Russell hit it off from the beginning. As Pod's senior year moved forward, he took an official visit to the school with Mom and Dad at his side along with a game day visit to attend one of the football games. These were all awesome and we got to meet some great people and the families of the 2009 recruiting class. February 4th, 2009 was approaching very rapidly. This was National Signing day for potential college athletes. That morning Pod was assigned his time slot to fax his paperwork to the university. With most family members present Pod signed at 7:00AM and the fax was on the way. Coach Russell called shortly after and welcomed Pod to the football program. It was official! Pod was going to play football at
Louisiana Tech. I am emotionally spent! The high school was having a grand celebration as 5 other have received football offers in various divisions as well. The TV stations were there and it was a little over whelming to see my youngest in this awesome situation. We celebrated with a party that afternoon at our house with Gumbo, Muffalatas and King Cake.

All of these are Louisiana favorites. Pod had several teammates and friends over to join the celebration. Later that evening, he had to do an interview with the ESPN radio station out of Ruston. It was live and it was very impressive to hear your son as poised as he was on the radio. Is this real? Will you pinch me? As I have stated before, Pod developed a special friendship with Coach Russell that will go further in life than just being a Coach who recruited him. Pod received a call one afternoon from Coach Russell after the recruiting process was over and he let Pod know that he would be leaving
Louisiana Tech and was heading to Texas Tech to take on the special teams duties. Pod was devastated! Coach Russell told him that he will do well at Louisiana Tech and keep his head high. This was a stepping stone for him and his family, as he wants to coach in the pro ranks one day. Coach Russell is very special with our family. He does call Pod every so often just to see how he is doing. How are you doing Hayden? Pod pressed forward as he would now be working with a new special teams Coach. It is important for Pod that Coach Dooley is very passionate about special teams and attends all special teams meetings. Coach Dooley says it is a very vital portion to the team’s success. Pod has now graduated high school. He will spend his entire June working out and kicking.

You probably wonder how I came up with Monday Morning Muscle Milk. This is the drink of choice for Pod and
Louisiana Tech. I am sorry if you were expecting a new drink recipe. There will be more of those as our travels take us way down south. This is a pre-made product for athletes who want to add additional vitamins and nutrients to their bodies after all of their workouts. For those of you who know Pod, he needs some help on the weight, this will help. Pod drinks Muscle Milk daily.
Pod checked in to
Louisiana Tech in July. He took a couple of classes (Sociology & Dance Appreciation) in the summer session part two. He worked out with some of the team under the direction of the strength and conditioning coaches. They run in the morning and agility's in the evening. You tell me if you can do this!

On Fridays you have to run 21 (110's) in under 17 seconds per 110 with 30 seconds in between. If you puke, it must be done standing up and no hands on the knees. If you do puke and touch the knees, you start over! Each position has different times, but no matter what, this is pure hell in my book. Two a days in full pads have started and the first scrimmage this weekend is on the books. Penciled in as the starter as a freshman we are so very proud of
Pod's accomplishments. His never give up and his never let anyone tell him he cannot do something, has been a true inspiration to me.

I started a new
travel business last year and I use this as my motivation to keep going forward. I am so excited to make our first road trip to Auburn University to see Pod either make his first college football kickoff and or his first college football field goal in front of 92k. To be really honest with you I am scared to death and will have 3 pair of underwear on. If you are in front of a TV on September 5th, make sure and tune to ESPNU at 6:00PM central time to watch Pod. Pea has been so supportive of Pod. It makes me so proud as a dad! Our next journey will move us into the south. We might even move into the Deep South! I thank you for reading my story and promise to bring you more drink recipes and
travel adventures. Some of them could include a few football road trips along the way. Jeremy my friend, I look forward to sharing a few beers with you in Auburn. Thanks so much for everyone’s support. If I can ever be of assistance with your
travel needs please let me know. I promise it will be the best experience you have ever had! Until our paths cross again, make sure you always
Travel Your Way! 
PS: Pea & Pod, thanks for being my guiding light in life! I love you! Dad